Mori Anniversary

Calli Website Project

About this Project

Organized by: Mori's RealmEvent date: 9 August 2022

Mori's anniversary is around the corner so we've decided to set up a website for her!

The main idea is to have a website filled in with both questions answered by Dead Beats and a compilation of clips submitted by Dead Beats as well. Once the website is finished we'll post it in our twitter with the anniversary tag so Mori can see it!

What will the website include?

As said above, the website will have your messages and a wholesome video for her! You can go over to the form below to answer the questions and to submit your clip!

Staff and people in charge of the project reserve the right to reject your submission without any previous notice if us or Cover don't find it acceptable, in case of other kind of problem we'll get in touch with you.

For discussion or any questions related to the project visit the anniversary channel on

Mori's Realm

Form for submissions

If you can't use Google Forms, please DM one of our staff members with your submission on the discord and let us know! Otherwise, you shouldn't need to join to participate - but we'd love to have you around!

Submissions will close in August 26th.

Community Submissions

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